The 2017 MedITS survey in the Cyprus Republic coastal area was successfully completed and delivered within the timetable.
The Tender was awarded to AP Marine Environmental Consultancy LTD and Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter - Fisheries Research Institute consortium, by the Department of Fishery and Marine Research (DFMR), Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, for three years (2015-2017).

The survey took place between 7-16/06/2017and was successfully completed thanks to the staff members of the consortium, the experience of the captain and crew and the DFMR staff members who took care of the administrative and technical problems that appeared during the survey.
The aim of the MedITS project is the evaluation of the demersal and benthic fish stock abundance, population distribution and demographic structure around the island. The survey is implemented in the framework of the Cyprus National Data Collection Programme, under the Community Data Collection Framework (Regulations (EC) 199/2008, 665/2008 and Decision 2010/93/EU), and is based on the MedITSinstruction manual (version 8, 2016).