Posted on June 01, 2018 16:16

The project seeks to identify the degree of representation of small scale fisheries in eastern Mediterranean waters in the EU established Advisory Bodies and in other private or public institutions and promote sustainable management of fishing. Also, aims to identify the reasons why the fishers do not participate, and motivate them to do so.

Up to the first and second trimester of the project, a study to identify all organizations and representation bodies of small scale fishers was implemented followed by the calculation of the representation degree of fishermen in those organizations from the participating countries.

In the third and fourth trimester of the project six seminars were implemented with the objective to inform, involve and finally motivate fishermen in the three countries. 

The seminars were successfully implemented and had relatively good reception. Also, the involvement of the Fisheries Departments was very beneficial and positive for many aspects of the project. They assisted as to determine which are the active fishermen associations, get in touch with them, invite them to the seminars, and finally participated in the discussions that took place in all seminars. The material that was produced (pocket guide) was distributed to the fishermen in the seminars and through the Fisheries Departments. 

A series of press releases were published to invite the public for the forthcoming seminars and the same was repeated after the completion of each seminar, to inform them about the results. Projects’ web-site was also a very helpful tool for this purpose.

The main findings of the project were:

  • Mapping the representative bodies in Greece, Cyprus and Malta, in local/national/European level. 
  • The degree of representation in Greece, Cyprus and Malta.
  • The results of the survey, in relation to the reasons for not participating in Greece, Cyprus and Malta.


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