The projects’ aim was to record and monitor both native and non-native species within the boundaries of two marine protected areas (MPAs) of the Natura 2000 network in the coastal waters of Cyprus Cape Greco and Nissia. The project was implemented by a consortium, in which AP Marine was responsible for the majority of the stations in the Cape Greco protected area and all the deep stations of the project (between 35-45 m deep).
Seasonal surveys were conducted for two years, in three habitat types (rocky reefs, sandy expanses and P. oceanica), at a total of 27 stations. Samples were collected when needed and most of the organisms found were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. During the first years’ surveys, the biodiversity of the native and non-native species within the areas was assessed and monitored through the second year. The results from this project are important for both the scientific community for understanding the impacts of the non-native species but more importantly for the policy and decision-making bodies.